by Daysounds ©2011-16 |
Last night, I had a dream;
And the dream I forgot
Because I forgot how to dream.
Long time ago, I used to see
Lights in the sky,
Castles in the air,
Three beautiful girls,
Who came to me,
And, with a kiss on the cheek,
Holding my arm, said,
"Dad, let's play 'Hide and Seek'! "
And hide they did,
Because I haven't found them
Ever since.
In this life's maze,
... lost my dear father,
... lost my dear brother,
... lost my beloved dame,
... lost my dear mother,
... lost my dear daughters,
And ... lost my eye as well.
Oh, Gentle Shepherd,
Seek Your lost sheep,
And restore my sight,
But with a small "i."
Help me live...
Your dreams.
At readers' request,
the 1st., 4th, & 5th stanzas are explained:
In the past, the author used to have a vision; but,
because of the prolonged suffering and broken
dreams he experienced through many years, he
didn't feel like it was attainable anymore; so he
forgot it because he totally forgot how to dream.
In the 4th stanza, the subject personal pronoun "I"
is missing. Its last verse explains why, in a word play:
The noun "eye" and "I" are homophones. The author
is saying, "I lost my eye sight and myself."
The last stanza is a prayer. The author is requesting God
to restore his vision (for the past, present, and future),
but giving him a sense of humility and meekness,
which will enable him to see and live God´s dreams.
de Daysounds ©2011-16 |
Anoche tuve un sueño;
Y el sueño se me olvidó
Porque se me olvidó soñar.
Hace mucho tiempo, solía ver
Luces en el cielo,
Castillos en el aire,
Tres niñas maravillosas,
Que venían hacia mí,
Y con un beso en la mejilla,
Agarrándome del brazo,
Me decían, "¡Pápa, ven,
Al 'Escondite' vamos a jugar!"
Y se escondieron bien,
Porque no las he vuelto a encontrar.
En este laberinto de la vida,
He perdido a mi padre,
He perdido a mi hermano,
He perdido a la mujer amada,
He perdido a mi madre,
He perdido a mis hijas,
Me he perdido a mí mismo.
Oh, Pastor amado,
Busca a Tus ovejas perdidas,
Y ayúdame a vivir...
Tus sueños.
Updated Monday, September 26, 2016