The Stranger
The Stranger p2
Bloom page 2
Sayings and Proverbs
Nails on the Door
Adeste Fideles
The Stranger Found a Home" |
--by an anonymous contributor from Colorado, USA |
A few months before I was born, my dad met a stranger who was new to our small town. From the beginning, Dad was fascinated with this enchanting newcomer, and soon invited him to live with our family. The stranger was quickly accepted and was around to welcome me into the world a few months later. As I grew up, I never questioned his place in our family.
The stranger became our story teller. He could weave the most facinating tales. Adventures, mysteries, and comedies were daily conversations. He could hold our whole family spellbound for hours each evening.
He was like a friend to the whole family. He took Dad, my brother and me to our first major league baseball game. He treated us many times to the movies...
The stranger was an incessant talker. Dad didn't seem to mind, but sometimes Mom would quietly get up, go to her room and read, meditate, or pray, while the rest of us were enthralled with one of his stories of faraway places. I wonder now if she ever prayed or wish that the stranger would leave.
You see, my dad ruled our household with certain moral convictions, but this stranger never felt an obligation to honor them. Profanity, for example, was not allowed in our house--not from us, from our friends, or from our relatives. Our longtime visitor, however, used occasional four-letter words that burned my ears and made my dad squirm. To my knowledge, the stranger was never confronted.
My dad didn't smoke and thought that smoking was a waste of health and money. But the stranger felt like we needed the exposure, and enlightened us to harmful life styles in a seducing manner.
He talked freely about sex. His comments were sometimes blatant, sometimes suggestive, and generally embarrasing. I know now that my early concepts of the man/woman relationship were influenced in a negative manner by the stranger.
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