"I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of Yahweh."
"No moriré, sino que viviré, y contaré las obras de Yahwéh." Psalm/Salmo 118:17

"Yahweh is God, and He has given us light."
"Yahwéh es Dios, y nos ha dado luz."
Psalm/Salmo 118:27

"Blessed are the undefiled in the way, who walk
in the law of Yahweh. Blessed are they who keep
His testimonies, and seek Him with the whole heart;
for they who walk in His ways do no iniquity."
"Bienaventurados los perfectos de camino,
los que andan en la ley de Yahwéh. Bienaventurados
los que guardan Sus testimonios, y con todo el corazón
Le buscan; pues no hacen iniquidad los que andan en
Sus caminos."
Psalm/Salmo 119:1-3
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