Does God Keep His Word?
by Daysounds
When God promises us something, He keeps His promise. The only thing which can prevent us from having the promise delivered to us in a timely fashion is..., well, us.
Delays may come from different sources: other people, nature, demons; however, we are the ones who are the final cause for the delays. God tests our character growth on a regular basis. If we fail the test, it means the waiting period is going to be longer. Our Father is eager to bless us, but He doesn't want us to ruin ourselves or His gift for us (sometimes that gift is a certain special person who will become a wife/husband in our lives). So, good training is very important.
Sometimes it is us who need to be changed, sometimes it is the other person (the gift) who needs the change in behavior, and oftentimes it is both.
Therefore, if God has promised us a specific person, a specific present, we shouldn't fall into despair when the promise seems to have completely vanished in front of our eyes. Let us keep praying, getting closer to God; that closeness to Him will help us mold our character, and pass the next test.
"Joseph [Jacob's son] thought that all his adversities were taking him far away from the dream, but God was using them to take him to the dream, to fulfill the dream. If God has given you a dream, expect adversity on the way to its fulfillment." --John Pauls
If we get into despair and turn into a life of sin or put God aside, we might forfeit altogether the gift. On the other hand, if we stick to Jesus (even in the middle of tears, questions, and pain), He will save that person or gift for us, and after a little while, we will obtain what He had promised.
God is faithful and true.
"So, do not throw away your trust; it will be richly rewarded. You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised." --The Holy Bible, Hebrews 10:35-36

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