I Gotta Tell Somebody.
By Don Francisco ©
She kept on getting weaker as day dragged into day.
The doctors gave no hope for her; she seemed to fade away.
My hours were filled with constant dread; time became a knife
that slowly, and relentlessly, cut the cord of life.
There was a teacher in the region then; some of us had heard
that He'd healed a paralytic by the power of just His Word.
So, with hope again rekindled, I went at once to see
if I could find a man named Jesus from a town in Galilee.
I began to search the city, and soon I saw the crowd.
They were pressing in to touch Him, and they called His Name
out loud; but, with the strength of desperation, I pushed them all
I threw myself before Him, and from my knees, I cried:
"Lord, come and heal my daughter; even now, she's close to death.
Her fever's uncontrollable; she fights for every breath;
but God's given You the power; life is Yours to give.
If you'll just lay Your hands on her, I know that she will live,
she will live, she will live.”
Well, He'd just begun to go with me, when a face I saw with fear
came towards me with the news I knew I didn't want to hear;
and, although I tried to still myself, I trembled when he said:
"Why bother the Teacher anymore, your little girl is dead."
Then Jesus touched my shoulder, and He told me not to grieve.
The trembling stopped when He looked at me and said: "Only
believe." Then, He sent the crowds away, except His closest men;
and they followed right behind us, as we started off again.
But we were still a long ways down the road, when I heard the
sounds and cries of the mourners and musicians, as they strove
to dramatize--my grief they had no business with--beneath their
loud disguise.
My wife just sat there silently and stared through empty eyes.Then,
Jesus asked the mourners, "Why is it that you weep? She isn't dead
as you suppose, the child is just asleep." It only took a moment for
their wails to turn to jeers: "Who does this man think he is? Get him
out of here!"
With authority I've never heard in the lips of any man, He spoke and
every sound rolled out with the thunder of command. And, in the
sudden silence, they all hurried for the door, wondering what the
reasons were they'd ever come there for.
Then, He called his three disciples that were with Him on the way.
He led them and my wife and me to where our daughter lay. He took
her by the hand; He told her "Child, arise." And the words were barely
spoken, when she opened up her eyes; she rose and walked across
the room, and stood there at our sides.
My wife knelt down, and held her close, and at last she really cried.
And, then, Jesus told us both to see that our daughter had some food;
but as to how her life was saved, not to speak a word. Not to speak a
I gotta tell somebody.
I gotta tell somebody.
I gotta tell somebody.
I gotta tell somebody.
I gotta tell somebody, gotta tell somebody, what Jesus did for me.
I gotta tell somebody, gotta tell somebody, what Jesus did for me.
I gotta tell somebody, gotta tell somebody, what Jesus did for me.
I gotta tell somebody, gotta tell somebody, what Jesus did for me.