Shattered Dreams
Book: Shattered Dreams, by Larry Crabb; WaterBrook Press, Colorado Springs, CO., USA, 2001
CD: Mi Secreto a Gritos de Rocío Montoya
Guitarpa, Guitarra eléctrica, sintetizada, y percusión: Adolfo Rivero;
Guitarra española y Coro: Jesús Maya;
Piano: Israel Borja; Saxos: Christian Baernreuther;
Producciones Adolfo Rivero, advero.com, 2001; Apartado 5, 28080--Madrid, España
Él Volverá
======================== He Will Come Back
--de Jesús Maya (Chuchi) ==============--written by Jesús Maya (Chuchi)
Yo ante Ti, para decirte que Te quiero.======I before You, to tell You that I love You.
Yo ante Ti, para decirte que Te espero.======I before You, to tell You I am waiting for You.
Yo ante Ti, pues me he parado en el camino,===I before You, because I have stopped on the way,
Y ahora estoy pagando el precio.==========And now I am paying the price.
Me he dejado llevar por mis deseos,========I have let myself be carried away by my desires,
Y ahora estoy en el camino,==============And now I am on the way,
Esperando yo tu renuevo.===============Waiting to be renewed.
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Él volverá.=========================He will come back.
Como el rocío de la mañana,=============As dawn in the morning,
Él volverá,=========================He will come back,
Y me dirá que me ama.=================And tell me that He loves me.
Y me dirá que me ama.(Ibid)=============And tell me that He loves me. (Ibid)
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Aunque perdí mi primer amor,============Even though, I lost my first love,
Aunque he perdido la perla de gran precio,===Even though, I have lost the pearl of great price,
Y perdí el tesoro que Jesús dejó==========And I lost the treasure that Jesus left
En mi corazón,(Ibid)==================In my heart,(Ibid)
Él volverá...(CORO)==================He will come back....(CHORUS)
No volveré a caer en la misma red,=========I won't fall into the same net,
No volveré a alejarme de Él.=============I won't go away from Him again.
Es Aquel que cuida mi vida.=============He is The One Who takes care of my life.
Es Aquel que vela noche y día,===========He is The One who watches night and day,
Mi refugio y fortaleza mía.==============My refuge and my fortress.
Él es amor. (Ibid)====================He is Love. (Ibid)
Él me enseñará el camino que debo tomar,===He will show me the path I must take,
Sendas de justicia y de libertad.==========Trails of justice and freedom.
Él volverá...(CORO)==================He will come back....(CHORUS)
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