You may click here to listen to the Radio Broadcast.// Puede pulsar aquí para escuchar la Emisión de Radio.
Music copyrighted by World Library Publications, used with permission.
(Should the music fail to air using this link after the introduction, please click on the piece titles below. Thank you.)

Introduction: DaySounds
Album: We Gather Together (1.-William Moore/arr. P. Russ; 2.-Lucien Deiss; 3.-Traditional Dutch)
Performing Musician: Ron Rendek
Pieces: 1) HOLY MANNA: Brethren, We Have met; 2) My Soul Is Longing for Your Peace; 3) KREMSER: We Gather Together.
All music used with permission. Please contact the artist/producer if you would like to hear more of him or his music.
Let him know in what ways he has touched your lives through his art and hard work.
Whoever you are, wherever you are, may our dear Father God fill you with His presence and love.
In Christ, our Lord and Savior:
DaySounds, Inc. February 18th., 2019